29th June 2018 – Workshop Materials

Attachment research tools for clinicians and practitioners – A workshop with Dr Sonia Gojman de Millán and Dr Salvador Millán in Stockport
Friday 29th June 2018
09:30 – 16:00

We hope you enjoyed the workshop and found it beneficial.

As expected, it was a workshop that worked at different levels for different people.  The presenters were academics, who used references and printed material extensively.  However, they were also practitioners and clinicians who referred to clinical material, or interpreted research data in clinical terms.

The pre-reading suggested by Sonia consisted of a number of pieces of general background.  It is unlikely that many people had the time or energy to read all of these in advance of the workshop, but you may choose to revisit them.

1) Attachment theory: A humanistic approach for research and practice across cultures (Sroufe, 2017). This is the first chapter of Attachment across clinical and cultural perspectives, which is a recently published book that Sonia Gojman de Millán co-edited with Christian Herreman and Alan Sroufe.

A version can be downloaded by clicking here.

2) Attachment, mentalizing and trauma (Allen, 2013). This is the first chapter of Jon G. Allen’s book Restoring mentalization attachment relationships: Treating trauma with plain old therapy.

A version can be downloaded by clicking here.

3) The adult attachment interview: Protocol, method of analysis and empirical studies (Hesse, 2008).  This is chapter 25 from the second edition of Cassidy and Shaver’s Handbook of Attachment.

A version can be downloaded by clicking here.

4) The adult attachment interview: Historical and current perspectives (Hesse, 1999).  This is chapter 19 from the first edition of Cassidy and Shaver’s Handbook of attachment.

A version can be downloaded by clicking here.

Copies of three papers were included in the delegate packs (Gojman-de-Millán et al., 2012; Gojman-de-Millán & Millán, 2008; Gojman-de-Millán, Sanchez, González, & Rodarte, 2013)

To download a flyer for the event click here.

Unfortunately due to restrictions imposed on the use of the material provided to Sonia by Mary Main we are unable to include copies of the slides used in the presentation.

During the presentation, Sonia referred to the work of the Robertsons in changing attitudes to the hospitalisation of children.  This is covered in a video introduction to attachment theory, produced by John Bowlby’s son Sir Richard Bowlby.  You can download a version of the video by clicking here.

The way in which this link is handled depends on the device you are using.  It may play directly, or you may need to download it and use a video player, such as VLC.  If you have any problems, email me at events@mindsite.co.uk .

For a variety of reasons I will not leave this online indefinitely; so if you want ongoing access, please download it.

The interpretation of the Adult Attachment Interview was also covered in a recent workshop with Dr Mario Marrone. We made a video of a section of this, which you can view by clicking below:

You should note that Mario takes on board ideas of Information processing from the world of cognitive psychology.  There were developed by Patricia Crittenden (2011), who was a PhD student of Mary Ainsworth about ten years after Mary Main.  Crittenden has developed alternative and slightly different systems of coding for both the AAI and Strange Situation.  This has resulted in confrontation between Crittenden and Main.

The full AAI protocol can be downloaded from the internet or by clicking here.

We look forward to meeting you again soon.

Best wishes

George MacDonald


Allen, J. G. (2013). Restoring mentalization attachment relationships: Treating trauma with plain old therapy. Washington D.C.: American Psychiatric Publishing.

Crittenden, P.M., Landini, P. (2011). Assessing Adult Attachment: A Dynamic-Maturational Approach to Discourse Analysis. New York, NY: Norton.

Gojman-de-Millán, S., Millán, S., Carlson, E., Sánchez, G., Rodarte, A., González, P., & Hernández, G. (2012). Intergenerational relations of attachment: A research synthesis of urban/rural Mexican samples. Attachment and Human Development, 14(6), 533-566.

Gojman-de-Millán, S., & Salvador, M. (2008). The AAI and its contribution ot a therapeutic intervention project for violent, traumatised and suicidal cases. In H. Steele & M. Steele (Eds.), Clinical applications of the adult attachment interview. New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Gojman-de-Millán, S., Sanchez, G., González, P., & Rodarte, A. (2013). Care giving and social character: Towards a systematization of the clinical assessment of social character traits and their relation to mothers’ care giving quality in urban/rural Mexican samples. FrommForum. International Erich Fromm Society, 17, 35-46.

Hesse, E. (1999). The adult attachment interview: Historical and current perspectives. In J. Cassidy & R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of attachment (pp. 395-433). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Hesse, E. (2008). The adult attachment interview: Protocol, method of analysis and empirical studies. In J. Cassidy & R. Shaver (Eds.), Handbook of Attachment (2nd ed., pp. 552-598). New York, NY: The Guilford Press.

Sroufe, L. A. (2017). Attachment theory: A humanistic approach for research and practice across cultures. In S. Gojman-de-Millan, C. Herreman & L. A. Sroufe (Eds.), Attachment across clinical and cultural perspectives (pp. 3-29). London: Routledge.