Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy: A Workshop with Professor Mick Cooper in Stockport

Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy – Friday 14th March 2014

Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy: A workshop with Professor Mick CooperPluralistic counselling and psychotherapy endeavours to make the most of the vast body of methods and theories that exist in the world of counselling and psychotherapy.  It acknowledges and celebrates difference across the therapeutic spectrum and attempts to draw together therapists from all orientations.  Mick Cooper approaches the subject from a humanistic and progressive position that favours a collaborative and anti-oppressive way of working with clients.  He argues that there are multiple pathways of change and that some pathways are more suited to a specific client than others.

Professor Cooper’s approach to pluralistic counselling and psychotherapy is outlined in the book he co-authored with John McLeod (Sage, 2011).  In this book, the authors map out the foundations for a pluralistic approach, the building of a collaborative therapeutic relationship and the way in which the therapy links to the goals of the client.  They then focus on the therapeutic process, and look at the resources available to facilitate change and the research that illuminates the approach.  It is, they believe, a new paradigm that requires a new model of training, supervison, professional development and service delivery.  He has suggested that attendees may wish to read the attached book chapter on his approach (click here to download).

About Mick Cooper

Pluralistic counselling and psychotherapyMick Cooper, is Professor of Counselling at the University of Strathclyde in Glasgow.   He is a leading international authority in the fields of person-centred, humanistic and existential approaches to counselling and psychotherapy.  He is a Chartered Counselling Psychologist, co-director of the Doctorate programme in counselling psychology at the University of Strathclyde and editor of ‘Person-Centred and Experiential Psychotherapies’.  Mick is the author of several leading texts in the field, including Existential Therapies (Sage, 2003), Working at relational depth in counselling and psychotherapy (Sage, 2005, co-authored with Dave Mearns), Essential Research Findings in Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2008) and Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy (Sage, 2011, co-authored with John McLeod). Mick is also recognised for his research into humanistic school-based counselling.

The event, which includes lunch, will be held in the comfortable, relaxed environment of Cheshire Conferences and Events at Edgeley Park Stadium, Stockport.

The cost is £120 per delegate (£90 for students). For bookings made before 30th September 2013 (subject to limited availability), there will be an ‘early bird’ rate of £100.  We are also offering group discounts of £90 per delegate for groups of two, and £80 for groups of three or more.

6 hours CPD – An individually signed certificates of attendance will be provided to all registered delegates.  Those who pay on the door, or who wish to obtain a duplicate, can order one from the website.

To download the flyer for the eventclick here.

To attend – email , call Jonathan at 0161 439 7773, or press the button below to register with confidence through Eventbrite.  You can pay by Paypal. card or cheque.  Or we can invoice you or your organisation.

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Cooper M. and McLeod J. (2011) Pluralistic Counselling and Psychotherapy. London: Sage.